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Thursday 13 January 2011

The Magazines Handbook (Jenny McKay)

This book has been a very good resource for inspiration for my magazine design. Guidlines for cover design support the analysis of the previous covers. I must include the following in my design:

· Strong image
· Masthead - clearly defined
· 'Floor Test' - cover lines are legible from 2-3 metres.
· Draw in new readers
· Create strong links to the contents page
· Deliver all that is promised on the cover
· The main emphasis on left hand side and top as this is the part that shows on shelf in the shops.
· Plan the cover as early as possible giving alot of attention

It also says that the more downmarket a magazine is, the more words and separate pictures there will be on the cover. This supports Mojo being a comparitively minimal cover page in comparison with NME which is a visual muddle.

Thinking along these lines, I will make use of this theory in designing my magazine, with the different formats appealing to different readership.

1 comment:

  1. I understand this has not been presented in the best quality but i cannot seem to change this!
